What We Do

We provide the following free, comprehensive and confidential services, all offered in English and Spanish. For more information on either of these groups please call 970.945.2632.

24-Hour Help Line

If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone who is, you are not alone. You can all 970.945.4439.

Our 24-Hour Help Line offers crisis intervention, survivor education, emotional support, safehousing, advocacy and information/referrals in both English and Spanish.

The 24-hour Help Line is staffed by trained Help Line Volunteer Advocates, who give our community over 5,500 hours of service in any given year.

In addition to the Help Line Volunteer Advocate, there are two staff members who act in a “Back-up” capacity. The first is either a full-time staff member or a Relief Client Advocate who is available to support and assist the Help Line Advocate. The second is a bilingual Relief Client Advocate, known as the “Spanish Back-up”.

Safehouse Program

The Safehouse Program (bilingual) provides emergency shelter for survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence and their children. This program provides peer support for the adults, crisis intervention, safety planning, support group, survivor education, case management, advocacy and information/referrals.  All services are provided in English and Spanish.

Outreach Program

The Outreach (non-residential) Program (English and Spanish) works with victims and survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence, stalking, and sex trafficking.  This program offers inclusive support and accompaniment through the legal process, advocacy, safety planning, information/referrals, translating services, identifying resources, case management, survivor education, peer support, and collaborating with other community resources to maximize benefits for mutual survivors.

We are also an Application Assistance location for the Colorado Address Confidentiality Program. https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dcs/acp

Community Education Program

The Community Education Program seeks to inform and educate students, professionals, and community members/groups on domestic and/or sexual violence, as well as the importance of “Healthy Relationships” through presentations and participating in health fairs and awareness events. All of the information is available in English and Spanish.

Support Groups

We offer free on-line support groups for survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence: one in English and one in Spanish.  Both meet weekly.  For more information, please call 970-945-4439 or email us at office@advocatesafehouse.org.

Sexual Assault Response

We (volunteers or staff) respond to Sexual Assault Nurse Examinations (SANE) performed by Mountain West Sane Alliance (MWSA) with a community based advocate response. Community based advocacy at SANE exams provides survivors with an advocate who has privileged confidentiality – different than other advocates and helpers through the process. (Click for more information on reporting options) 

If you or someone you know would like to speak to a SANE nurse to ask questions or to request an exam, survivors and/or law enforcement can call Garfield County Dispatch at 970-625-8095 and request a call back from the “on call nurse”.  Currently, MWSA has an exam site at Rifle Public Health and an additional site in Glenwood Springs.  For more information visit www.mtnwestsane.org

Garfield County Domestic Violence Coalition

A member of our staff coordinates and facilitates the Garfield County Domestic Violence Coalition (GCDVC). GCDVC began in 2014 as a Coordinated Community Response to domestic violence.  The mission for a Coordinated Community Response is “to organize a community response to domestic violence that promotes public safety and offender accountability. ‘Safety’ means protection of the victims from ongoing abuse by a partner, protection of potential future victims, and finally creation of a deterrence to this type of violent behavior in the community.  Offender accountability means holding offenders responsible for the violence they have used and its impact on primary and secondary victims.” (Praxis International, Integrating Theory and Practice, 2013).


Colorado Gives Day

Survivor Letter

This letter was written from a woman who resided in our Safehouse Program.  The note is written verbatim except for her name.

Dear Safehouse Angels,

I don’t even know how to thank you or where to begin.  Your love & kindness amazes me – I’ve not felt so safe & blessed & Loved in years & years.  I’ve not had a X-mas in years & years.

Your genuine care & kindness will NEVER EVER go forgotten.  When I have my life back, I will give back sooooo much to your life-saving cause.

May God Bless every step you take into our New Year & beyond.

With so much love,


Thank you to Krista Klees who hosted the 8th Annual Lucky Chances Luncheon and Narr8 Media for your support.

Safety Exit!